Develop and maintain corporate blogs. Research and write articles in a conversational style, which engages readers. Interface with key departments (executive, marketing, customer service, IT etc.) to insure blog content captures readers' interest, while promoting company message. Use appropriate tools to provide management with metric reports. Use on-line and off-line social networking techniques for collaboration with people inside and outside the organization. Maintain quality assurance, by open information exchange with customer service and marketing departments. Promote company objectives with each blog article.

1. Develop and maintain plan for organization's Internet presence, based on management priorities, policy directions, and goals.
2. Perform continuous enhancements and modifications to blogs.
3. Assess new standards, technologies and trends, and formulate plans for future enhancement to blogging strategies.
4. Use latest syndication and blogging tools with HTML, when appropriate.
5. Ensure blog(s) are accessible from a variety of different environments.
6. Produces a consistent visual image on blog(s) including maintenance of templates and image archives.
7. Ensure images are delivered to the viewer at sufficient high speed and quality.
8. Creates image links and ensure links are up to date.
9. Troubleshoot and repairs bugs and problems.
10. Respond promptly to blog comments and email
11. Provide metrics of traffic statistics, reports and blog comment feedback to appropriate areas.
12. Research, write/edit and create layout for new articles and features.
13. Act as liaison between blog readers and corporation
14. Interface collaboratively with web design team to insure cohesiveness between blog(s) and corporate web site.
15. Perform other duties, as assigned.

Possess engaging "conversational" writing skills with a professional posture. Must have be published by a recognized organization (on or off line) or have published blogs with confirmed reader visit statistics. High school diploma or GED with related experience in achieving company objectives with blogging expertise. Must be computer and definitely Internet/search engine savvy to perform online research. Completed degrees from accredited institutions may be substituted for experience on a year-for-year basis, provided courses were taken in writing, marketing, business and psychology/sociology.


* Ability to evaluate new and evolving blog technologies.
* Solid understanding of all sections related to the anatomy of a blog
* Ability to utilize reporting tools for analysis of traffic, referral links and reader demographics
* Ability to use syndication and pinging tools
* Knowledge and understanding of current editing, authoring tools, and related blog technologies.
* Ability to utilize computerized word processing, blogging and internet software.
* Solid foundation in search engine optimization (SEO) and implementing RSS technology
* Knowledge and understanding of internet operations and functionality
* Ability to evaluate new and evolving blogging technologies.
* Skill in the use of computerized blog layout and design software.
* Topical knowledge of the Internet, ftp, telnet and the ability to develop website documents.
* Topical knowledge of html, web development and maintenance.

* Proofreading and editing skills.
* Ability to create, compose, and edit written materials.
* Ability to write simply with a conversational style
* Writing should be informative, but not verbose

Project Management
* Ability to effectively manage time and schedules.
* Ability to work independently and as a member of a team.
* Strategic planning skills.

Business Savvy
* Ability to include corporate objectives and mission throughout blog presentation
* Solicit feedback from internal departments and
* Understand mission of key departments
* Ability to make presentations on blog feedback, metrics and comments at business intelligence meetings
* Assist management in Identifying opportunities, based on new developments in the blogsphere
* Maintain high ethics with blog presentation, content and daily work tasks

Social Networking 
* Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.
* Present professional, but friendly posture with blogsphere colleagues and throughout the Internet
* Provide management and key departments with intelligence from blog feedback, metrics and external discussions related to blog content
* Collaborate with internal departments to enhance blog features and presence
* Act as ambassador and liaison for company with the Internet community
* Develop collaborative partnerships on-line and off-line.
29 Traffic Generation Tips
1. Eric Atkins
Create a new design for your website. Not only will it be more attractive to your regular readers, but you can submit it to some CSS gallery showcase sites that feature great designs. This will give you exposure on those sites while generating a lot of traffic and backlinks from those types of sites.

2. Dennis Coughlin
Find the best blogs on your niche and contact the authors. Introduce yourself and send a link of your blog. This might help them to discover your blog, read it and possibly link to it.

3. Splork
I’ve had good success writing articles and submitting them to EzineArticles. Articles that have been written from well-researched keyword phrases and accepted by EzineArticles tend to rank very high in Google for that search term. Placing anchor text in the footer of those articles so the reader can visit my relevant website has always increased my site traffic.

4. Alan Thomas
Don’t forget your archives. I just posted a roundup of all interviews I did over the past seven months. One of them generated a new link and a big traffic spike from a group of users that look like they will be loyal readers now.

5. Brian Auer
According to my Google Analytics, about 35% of my traffic comes from other people’s blogs and 25% comes from the forums I’m active with, while search engines provide about 15%. I post comments on other blogs that are related to mine, and I post my site link in my signature at the forums.

6. Daniel
A simple tip that will probably boost your page views: install a translator plugin. I decided to use a paid plugin for this, but if I am not wrong there are some free ones as well. The translation is not very good, as you can imagine, but it helps to attract readers that are not fluent in English.

7. Tillerman
Be the first to write a post about the ‘Top Ten Blogs’ in your niche. The post will rank highly in any general search for blogs in your niche and other bloggers in your niche write about the post and link to it.

8. Inspirationbit
Well, obviously everyone knows that social bookmarking sites like Digg,, etc. bring lots of traffic. But I’m now submitting some of my articles to (a digg like site for bloggers), and I always get not a bad traffic from there.

9. Brandon Wood
A simple trick I’ve used to increase traffic to my blog is participate in group writing projects. In fact, that’s what I’m doing right now.

10. Kat
I’ve recently gotten involved with several “MySpace-like” community sites that focus on my target audience. I share my thoughts in their forums, post intros to my real blog on their system blog and I’ve even created a group for my specific niche. It’s been very, very successful for me.

11. Sridhar Katakam
Keep track of blogs and leave comments on them. How do you know which blogs to keep track of in the first place? Add the MyBlogLog widget/code to your blog. When
you notice a MyBlogLog user visiting your blog, visit that person’s in turn.

12. Ian Delaney
Nothing creates long-term traffic more than value. Making a post along the lines of ‘Evaluated resources for XYZ’ is useful. Useful things get linked to and they get onto, which is far better long-term than a digg front page.

13. Guido
Comment on blogs, write useful content and make good friends on forums.

14. Grant Gerver
Try to be polemic. I write obsessively about all-things political from the left-wing perspective in the form of humorous, sarcastic one-liners.

15. Megan Taylor
Participate in conversations on related blogs. Start conversations on your own blog. Don’t just post about a story and leave it at that, engage your audience.

16. Ramen Junkie
Newsgroups. I always see a spike when I post a review to a newsgroup.

17. KWiz
Write something controversial. I don’t think it’s good to write something controversial just for the purpose of getting traffic necessarily (especially if it’s only for that purpose and you’re being disingenuous), but it works.

18. Jester
Leave comments on other blogs. If you’re already reading them, it takes just a couple of seconds to leave a message agreeing or disagreeing with the author, you get to leave a link to your site, and you will almost ALWAYS get traffic from your comments.

19. Engtech
Community. It’s one word but it is the most important one when it comes to blogging. The only “blog metric” that makes sense is the vibrant community of readers it has. Building a community around your blog will bring you increased traffic, but how do you start? The boilerplate response to building traffic is always “SEO, social networking sites, and commenting on blogs” but it can be simplified to “be part of a community”. The easiest way to seed your blog is with an already existing community. But the only way to do that is to be part of the community yourself.

20. Goerge Manty
Post 3-5 times a day. Use ping services like pingomatic or setting up wordpress to ping some of the ping services. Engage your readers. Put up polls, ask them questions, give them quizes, free tools, etc. Make them want to come back and tell their friends about you.

21. Mark Alves
Participate in Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn Answers where you can demonstrate your expertise, get associated with relevant keywords and put your URL out there.

22. Andrew Timberlake
A great tip for generating traffic is off-line by including your url in all your off-line liturature from business cards, letterheads, pamphlets, adverts through in-store signage if applicable. I even have our website on my vehicle.

23. Scott Townsend
Inform search engines and aggregators like Technorati (using the ping functionality) when your blog is updated, this should ensure maximum traffic coming from those sources.

24. Jen Gordon
I came upon some unexpected traffic when my blog popped up on some css design portals like and If you can put some time into the concept behind and design for your blog, I’d recommend submitting your site to a design portal not only for
additional traffic but to build an additional community around your site.

25. Chris
Squidoo Lenses are a good way to generate traffic. By using a lense, you can generate your own custom “community” of webpages, including some of the more popular pages in your “neighborhood.” Including your own webpage in such a list is a good way of generating traffic.

26. Kyle
Simplify. Pay attention to complex issues in your field of work. It may be a big long publication that is hard to wade through or a concept that is hard to grasp. Reference it and make a shorter “for dummies” version with your own lessons learned and relevant tips. When doing this, I have been surprised to find that the simplified post will appear before the more complex version in search results. Perhaps this is why it results in increased traffic; people looking for more help or clarification on the subject will land on your blog.

27. Nick
Participating in forums is a great way to get loyal readers. Either link baiting people in your signature or posting great advice and tips will give you high quality traffic, which will result in return visitors.

28. Cory OBrien
Read lots of other blogs. Leave trackbacks. Make sure your blog is optimized for search engines. Leverage social bookmarking sites like digg (both for new ideas and for traffic).

29. Shankar Ganesh
Just browse around and you will surely get visitors to your blog.

I think I should start these Group Projects on my blog as well, what do you think? :-)

Update: There was another tip added to this group project, so now there are actually 30 tips:

30. Rory
Submit articles to blog carnivals. Your article almost always gets posted, and it must generate a handful of visitors, at least.
